
Here’s that single USB-C cable.

Here’s that single USB-C cable.

Here's that single USB-C cable.

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  1. Coming up next, amazon pushes for “work diaper” law that regulates the usage of diapers in workplace as part of the uniform.

  2. Hahahaha!
    So fun!

  3. That Amazon story was very misleading, it wasn’t that Amazon workers had to pee in bottles because they couldn’t take breaks, it was that some Amazon workers would just pee in a bottle because they couldn’t find any bathrooms to stop at on their route, especially during covid restrictions last year.

    Anyone who has worked a job with a lot of driving knows this is pretty common.

  4. I woke in HVAC and I have a bottle I pee into in my truck. I’d venture to say most guys typically do in my industry as there’s a lot of travel time between homes and you can’t always find somewhere to stop.