
I’m pretty bothered with the way Sumire’s character is developing. A girl who was introduced as super badass slowly begins to turn into Hinata 2.0. How do you guys feel about this?

I’m pretty bothered with the way Sumire’s character is developing. A girl who was introduced as super badass slowly begins to turn into Hinata 2.0. How do you guys feel about this?

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  1. She’s all that femme fatale shit because of the indoctrination her parents told her. Like she’s the killing machine whatever that would be the key to their revenge or someshit. Now that it’s resolved, what we see now is the true her, no living weapon thingy, just a shy girl.

  2. Why do people always compare her to Part 1 Hinata?

    Sumire isn’t even that shy. She’s softer than most of the other girls, but she’s not any more shy than Namida. Heck she took on the class rep role, so she’s clearly not afraid of working in leadership positions. Sumire is by nature a quieter but more observant person (which is why her keeping an eye on Amado is in character). She’s been groomed and manipulated by her father to basically be a spy and a walking suicide bomb, and now that she‘s moved on from that part of her past she’s just a bit awkward because she’s trying to find her role in life. Just because she’s a bit more demure (and even then, we’ve seen her become very serious even after the Nue arc) doesn’t mean she’s a clone of Hinata, who is also a far more complex character than just “shy”.

    Boiling down both characters as being the same because they’re vaguely on the “shy” side and have a crush on the MC is a disservice to both.

    Also PSA: You can like both Sarada and Sumire. It’s not a competition. Both are very good girls, so stop comparing them when they themselves are good friends in-universe.

  3. She was only “badass” because she was being driven by suicidal thoughts. To me that’s not being badass. She’s being her true self now and she’s very different from Hinata. Liking the MC does not equal being like Hinata. People are the ones who view her as “Hinata” because of a shipping. She’s her own unique character.

  4. Most of the comments under these post are ridiculous tbh ,we are still believing the fact she’s hinata 2.0 when it’s clear both are different

    The Fandom only care about female character if she get some fights and appears in anime otherwise she’s trash ,in ch 65 sumire literally told about a important information about code but all are sleeping on that bcoz this fd believe female characters are only well written when they fight ,no wonder boruto is for kids

  5. Too soon to judge imo. Unlike Sarada who’s a main a character and appear in almost every episode , she rarely appears in the anime. I’ll wait at least until the timeskip to judge.

    However , I don’t understand why people compares her to Hinata. I mean yeah they both have purple hair and a crush for an Uzumaki and that’s it. Their personalities or stories are different.

    This statement is only superficial.

  6. Not a fan of her in the anime. Like her character significantly more in manga. Simply didn’t care for her in the anime but in the manga she gets just the perfect amount of screen time for her role imo

  7. I loved her little introduction arc, and Nue and all that stuff. SO its a bit sad watching her just kinda fade away.

    Don’t really care for the pushing of her with either Boruto or Kawaki as well.

  8. I’m more annoyed with the fact that a person with the same personality as the old MC’s love interest is being considered as a love interest for the new MC.

    I wouldn’t mind her character if she was just another side character.

  9. People defending here how they changed her character here cause that’s “who she truly is” don’t understand that that’s who the writer decided to change her to be. All things that happen is not just the natural curse of life cause that’s not real life. That’s the author being like “nah, you girl, means you don’t get to fight and be cool, you stay and cook for husband”. I like watching and reading Boruto, but you can’t ignore how sexist this universe can be.

    Also, stop fucking comparing her to Sarada “oh but I prefer sarada” bro both characters can have nice developments and show up more

  10. Hinata is the embodiment of shyness while Sumire is a normal supportive character. Hinata only approaches Naruto while Sumire does not only talk to Kawaki but she is one of the few who did not judge him because he was an outsider. I may be biased here but I think she is just a wholesome supporting character like Himawari and it is just the fans of Hinata are saying that they like Sumire because she is just like the kid Hinata.

  11. Hinata: I’m the only known named user of the unique Twin Lions jutsu. I’m also the only person to canonically reverse-TnJ Naruto himself not once, but twice.

    Hinata-haters: She’s USELESS.

    Sumire: I’m the only new gen character with a personal summon, which is also very strong, and my Suiton is on a serious level as well even without Nue.

    Sumire-haters: She’s Hinata 2.0 and USELESS.

    Nuff said.

  12. She was great when she was anime-only but the manga writers liked Sumire so much that they brought her into the manga to be Boruto’s love interest and now she doesn’t have much to do but wait until she marries Boruto and think Amado is sus in the meantime

  13. In the manga she was more or less always like that. In the anime she also was a bit like that, but when we saw her true side she was badass yes.

    I would like for the anime to make the characters be like their characters in the anime more outside the fillers.

  14. She’s probably going to have some sort of payoff with Amado. She might even be the one who outs him.

    Unfortunately her being introduced early as a badass means that this is probably going to end in some kind of “Worf-effect” where Amado takes her down by pushing a button on his wrist watch or something…

  15. They make all the girl shinobis useless housewives at the end of the day because Japanese culture is very old fashioned about women. In their mind women stay home cook etc and man go to work.

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