
What would Simo had said ?

What would Simo had said ?

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  1. Simo: “Dedicated.”

    In all seriousness, I wager he’d say this because Hayha was known to be immensely humble and professional; in spite of his *massive* kill count (the man could’ve literally sat atop a mountain of sniped corpses if they were all brought together in a pile anime-style), he viewed his sniping as a professional craft first and foremost, and never bragged about it. If Raiden were to test his sumo capabilities by pitting his own strength against himself, Hayha would probably at least respect Raiden for being that focused on his chosen craft of sumo the same way Hayha was known to be ridiculously focused on his skill in sniping.

  2. Seriously I guess it depends on how tough you see relative to others. Like if you’re tough enough to get thrown through a brick wall and get up fine and then are able to break your own ribs with a punch then that makes you strong relative to humans

  3. Serious answer: strong because it will require a lot of energy to make a human body explode and a self punch is often weaker due to how your arm work so a normal punch from someone who can explode themself will be even stronger.

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