
My roster

My roster

24 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. My dream fight is one where a pope (don’t know which one, but he has to be a shitty person, maybe Boniface the Eight) decide to fight for the gods, because that’s God’s will and then Jesus Christ, who would be a god in this iteration, step up and change sides to fight for the humans.

    Bonus point if Dante Alighieri burst out laughing at Boniface’s ipocrisy.

  2. Inb4 Anne Frank pull a Buddha and fight for the gods to destroy Humanity because of what the Nazi’s did, then Hitler steps out not to fight for humanity, but because he felt insulted by Anne Frank.

  3. I honestly thought this was Shuumatsu no Dictator, the version of the story in which Brunhilde doesn’t care for saving humanity, she only wants to see people like Stalin and Hitler suffer. Like she puts them in the arena without volunds to be clear, just to watch them be torn apart.

    Then there’s Anne Frank and Albert Einstein and I’m confused

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