
What in the world is this…

What in the world is this…

What in the world is this...

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  1. My country calls us Canadians and it offends me so much because some of us are Can’tadians!

  2. I live in Arizona. One in three people here is Latino. I’ve never once seen a Latin person ask to be referred to as Latinx. It’s an entirely made up thing by virtue signaling white people who’ve never even asked the people they’re renaming without consent if they want to be referred to that way. ????????????????Congratulations, you’ve colonized an entire people all over again.

  3. I got attacked by a bot just a few minutes ago telling me that freshman is a bad word. If you don’t like the words I use, just ignore me. It’s not that difficult.

  4. I read stuff like this and know that I’m not the only one hoping for a direct asteroid strike.

  5. I don’t know if this is a piss-take but there’s probably people out there who don’t know why we call it German and refer to the people with the ethnonym as Germans. Germany comes from the Latin Germania which was what the Romans called the north-central European provinces.

  6. This is kids and childish adults looking for something to fight about because they have nothing else in their life worth spending energy on.

  7. This is like when I see people censoring “white” and whatnot. This is bullshit and I’d dare any one of these people to make this request in person, opposed to doing so on the internet while they sit on their bed wearing a panda hat or whatever.

  8. Victims of their own fragmentation… they need an outward bound program, not chat threads.

  9. If u feel unsafe by ppl saying or in the case writing the word German j probably have some bigger issues to address.

  10. This is like that one congressman ending his prayer with “amen and awoman”. Amen is a Hebrew word that has nothing to do with the English word “men” .

  11. Germans are very forward thinking, they have used their own pronouns for ages, like *zem* and *zey*

  12. I don’t know if this is a piss-take but there’s probably people out there who don’t know why we call it German and refer to the people with the ethnonym as Germans. Germany comes from the Latin name Germania (land of the Germani) which was what the Romans called the north-central European provinces.