
Phobia is new tool to suppress the voice

Phobia is new tool to suppress the voice

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  1. There should be a tour of women giving talks who’ve been sexually abused by men in all religions all over the world.

    Edit – and Include the men who’ve been raped by sexually repressed priests

  2. it was not about Islamophobia, it was about the topics that would be discused to teenagers that would not understand the implications, only a small part of it saw it as “Islamophobia”

  3. Is Islamapobia bad? Yep you betcha. Does that mean we should apologize or cover up the atrocities committed by its extreme members? Absolutely not.

    The same can be and should be said about any religion.

  4. I’ve no problem with Islam. I do have a problem with hyper-religious ethnostates where all right and wrong is determined by a small group of people with absolute power

  5. Ex Muslims in particular always get bullied. I can’t speak about my experiences without being called an Islamophobe. A phobia means an irrational fear, but there is nothing irrational about fearing Islam. I am afraid of ever mentioning that I am an Ex-Muslim to Muslims I meet because I fear the death threats and insults that come with it. No one ever talks about Ex-Muslims that get attacked and killed. Islam supports polygamy, slavery, killing gays, etc. I shouldn’t be afraid of that?

    This is not unique to Islam either. Religions are evil institutions that prey on those susceptible to suggestion. There is no proof of god and all religion is built on the same premise “have faith”. Try having a debate with a religious person, once you have exhausted everything they will say to you: “You will find out I was right when you are dead”, like good job thanks for proving that there is literally no point in believing in something with that level of uncertainty. It must really sting knowing that the other religions may be right while you devote your life to yours…

    I question how religion hasn’t disappeared? Miracles suddenly disappeared in the age of technology which would be the best time for god to show proof of its existence due to what we have access to and yet all of a sudden all miracles cease to exist? The coincidence is too great to be ignored.


    Here’s the story from a non insane source.

  7. Imagine being at university and being unable to heard a wide variety of experiences opinions and perspective, some of which you disagree with, some lf which you may even find offensive. If not what’s the point? Go somewhere who tell you only what you wan to hear? Not for me

  8. Not so new. But if you point it out, then you are clearly a -phobe.

    The idea that we can’t criticize certain sets of beliefs… not even people, but beliefs… is so toxic.

  9. I dont even feel bad for shit like this anymore, you people have done it to yourselves. Take a look at your peak wokeness, this is exactly what being woke is all about. And it’s not going to stop until people stamp out the diseased thinking that comes with being woke.

  10. What’s even worse is the same people who forced the schools hand in this are mysteriously absent on protecting people, when Islamic or Christian parents try to get any mention of lgbt banned

  11. This is where censorship leads people. One day you’re like “Oh, we’re just de-platforming Miles Yiannopolis, he’s bad, so it’s not censorship!” and the next thing you know your favorite woke-ass subgroup gets their cheerleader event canceled.

  12. If they’re so worried about Islamophobia I’m sure they could find someone who was raped by a Christian and somebody raped by a jew. Got the big 3 there, so it’s an even playing field. Everyone sucks.

  13. Devil’s advocate: Colleges do tend to be “hot beds for liberals” but there are just as many conservatives in them as well. How vocal/active are the conservative groups at this school? If they tend to be pretty vocal/active (especially now in days), the school administration is likely wanting to avoid this girls story being used as ammunition against other students who practice Islam.

    Say they did decide to stick by her and let her tell her story, but with the emphasis that they will not tolerate her story being used to target students who practice Islam or anyone else who practices the religion. What’s the likely response from all forms of media in 2021?

    Centrists news outlets: ABC, CBS, CNN (they’re more centrist than you think) will just report the story as is. CNN might have some editorials but as has far as reporting goes, they’ll stick with the facts.

    The Left: Leftist news organizations like MSNBC, Huffington Post, New York Times will push “University Allows Former Enslaved Sex Worker to Tell Story Despite Islamophobia Overtones.” Twitter, Tumblr, and certain subreddits will focus in on the supposed Islamophobia and call out the university for pushing hate.

    The Right: Fox News, The Blaze, OANN will focus in on the university attempting to “censor” students who are trying to “spread this girls story.” Never mind that the students they are talking about are deliberately using her story to target Muslims online. Those networks, along with Facebook, 4Chan, and certain subreddits will cry fowl for the university “violating the First Amendment,” even though the Bill of Rights doesn’t really apply to a private institution.

    This, to me, is those most likely hypothetical in 2021. The university probably had a similar thought and would rather deal with denying the girl a platform and deal with that fallout. It’s relatively minor compared to getting accused of Islamophobia by the Left and censorship by the Right and having their university’s image tarnished by dumb reactionaries.

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