
The wrongest of conclusions?

The wrongest of conclusions?

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  1. Wait…his family begged him not to seek professional medical care? When he was struggling to breathe? And they’re blaming the hospital for his death?

    Jesus Sufferin’ Fuck ???? These people are dangerously stupid. Literally, they are a danger to themselves and others due to their inability/unwillingness to think.

  2. They put him on a vent to kill him???

    I need to deliver this information to the 30+ pulmonologists I work with… if all these 300+ years we’ve been manually delivering oxygen into peoples lungs when they can’t do it on their own!!! The absolute &ucking horror!!!

  3. If this is what they want to believe then who am I tell them otherwise.

    If you’re scared of the vaccine and hospitals, then don’t get vaccinated and don’t go to a hospital. Stick to your guns. I’m sure it’ll all shake out fine in the end.


  4. With internet access readily available and libraries in every city I can’t see how the argument that the government is keeping people stupid works, I see it more as willful ignorance in adults and not having the mental capacity to see beyond your own bs and the courage to challenge your own views to see if you are correct (my job requires I deal with an over proportion of people like this and they just don’t give a shit and live in willful ignorance) You don’t need a government to educate you, you just need the will to do so yourself.
    I used to believe in all sorts of trash and then I made efforts to challenge myself and change my views to conform to the evidence (critical thinking) so I’m not hating for the sake of it, it was a life lesson we’ll learnt once I took some responsibility.

  5. Everything screams echo chamber in this post. It wouldn’t surprise me if none of the people mentionned were vaccinated (outside of hospital personnel) and it shows how much damage a poor entourage can do to a credulous population failed by society at large.

  6. Just so you guys know, it’s a bit morbid but if someone’s on a vent, there’s a high chance that they won’t recover.

    There is always a chance but that is basically the last line of defense. Get vaccinated people, I see dead people every week consistently from covid. Vaccination keeps you alive.

  7. There’s a good point though. How many people die in hospital hmm? A lot. Rather suspect don’t you think? Clearly it’s the hospitals killing everyone, they’re government death centres. Anyone who knows gets dragged there, “ventilated” (really having Big Pharma mind control gas pumped into them) and killed off if they don’t submit to the NWO. It’s the lizard people behind it all.

    /s in case it isn’t obvious.

  8. Stupidity kills.

    Really tragic that there is an easy, safe, reliable and most importantlt free way to prevent this and people are fighting tooth and nail against it.

    It’s like a drowning person refusing a floatation device, insisting Jesus will come at any moment so he can walk on water.

  9. One of the last lines, I hate what is happening in the world. No idea that they are the problem. So convinced everyone is trying to hurt them, they are refusing to get help in anyway putting themselves and others at risk.

  10. Yes, obviously it’s the hospitals and doctors that kill people. This is why when you get shot you should never go to the hospital. Thoughts and prayers with a sprinkle of essential oils will do the trick. ????

    Yes I’m being sarcastic… (being extra super clear I hope, there are some really stupid ppl out there)

  11. There are people who geninunely believe that doctors in the hosiptals are trying to hurt them. I cannot understand this insane conspiracy web of not believeing we can trust our scientists & doctors. This is the darkest timeline…

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