
Onigashima Positions Chapter 1026

Onigashima Positions Chapter 1026

38 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. – Kaido goes hybrid form and clashes with luffy
    – Luffy tells momo he should leave the roof and stop onigashima
    – Perospero and jack are defeated
    – Orochi is no longer out of Comission

  2. For me I’ve gotta say

    This chapter added Perospero to the list of people I’m most impressed with this arc. Along with Marco and Yamato.

    It implies that off Panel he fought a soulong form scabbard until the clouds covered the moon. And he was compared directly to Jack.

    On top of the feats he had was the previous Arc I’d say it’s pretty clearly at this point he’s Yonko commander, level.

    I really hope we get to see Compote and Smoothe in Elbaf since they’re supposed to be on his level as well.

    It’s also solidified for me that overall Big mums crew is way more impressive than Kaido’s. His is just bigger.

  3. Looks like we only have Hawkins, Apoo, Queen, King, Big Mom and Kaido fights to go! The raid is getting closer and closer to coming to a close!!

    (Ugh and Fukurokuju nevermind)

  4. So next up should be Fukurokuju and Hawkins and/or Apoo. Oda is dragging the Kaido hype to endless. Also we need King and Queen getting down. Probably everyone will meet at the 1. Floor of the right brain tower where we will finally see an update on this as well. Plus there‘s Orochi.

  5. The BM pirates can they join the fight anymore since the island is floating and all ?

    They are the only ones left apart from the numbers who can change the situation somewhat.

  6. Awesome stuff! These posts are super helpful in visualizing the Onigashima battle.

    Just a small critique: I don’t think you need as many labels as you’ve put in. For example, a label for Yonkou or former warlord is unnecessary because it doesn’t really tell us anything new or useful.

  7. Smh, the Robin disrepsct. Just because she had her eyes closed while Brook was carrying her, doesn’t mean she is unconscious. She was literally smilling and relaxing in his arms.

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