
[Chapter 1026+] My Onigashima power tier list (open to roasting)

[Chapter 1026+] My Onigashima power tier list (open to roasting)

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  1. I think at this point it’s fair to put luffy where he is. Definitely the weakest of the three, but still in that tier.

    Maybe Denjiro and Ashura are a bit too high for me, and Usopp got done dirty, imo he could go higher.

    The one I disagree with the most is Yamato in S. I find it hard to believe that she’s a full tier above anyone in A. I’d put her together with them.

    But overall a fair list.

  2. I actually pretty much completely agree, these are all fair place ments at first I thought Marco was a bit high but after some thought, he’s about right, and I feel as though Yamato could be A tier since she’s comparable to zoro, but instead of insane offense she’s absolutely stupid resilient

  3. I’ve got to say, law power is overrated. He got completely owned by doflamingo who is at most low yonko commander level.
    I know he’s one of the supernova so everyone think he should be close to luffy or kidd, but honestly law is more of a support. I would put him one tier below.

  4. Putting Raizo below Tobiroppo is slander. Everyone of the scabbards is stronger than them. Also Raizo is not at his 100% when fighting Fukurokuju, his place is sufficient.

  5. People should be patient with zoro and sanji. Its been hinted at that they will receive a power up in the near future or in the next arc with zoro discovering he has Coc and sanji body developing. Like give them some time to adjust and they’ll be back on top

  6. Momo is either to low or to high, Marco is probably above Yamato, because his experience in using his devil fruit is much longer, jinbe is probably bottom A tier, Usopp is probably above carrot due to observation haki. That’s my thoughts.

  7. People don’t give Zoro enough credit, 2 most impressive feats in the war were performed by him. If he wasn’t forced to get screwed by losing like 80% of his health bar by briefly holding back Kaido/Big Mom combined attack, he would probably still be fighting at the rooftop.

  8. Zoro who has just unlocked his conquerer left a permanent scar on kaido while yamato who has been using it for years didn’t. On a similar note all the people who are on bar with zoro are above yamato . She and jack are the strongest after people in A . Law too would go down a rank he is not durable as yamato or jack.

  9. First of sanji and zoro ,king and queen are s class for sure.
    Zoro literally cut through kaido and is going to defeat queen now ,sanji didn’t fight an emperor this time but he will surely kick big mom next time and yamato being in s class doesn’t make sense,she just tanked kaido (she is supposed to do that as an A class mythical zoan).Think for yourself .But her fighting prowess though great isn’t as strong to be a s class which I am wrong definitely lol but yeah ,zoro ,sanji king queen are all s class here same for eutass kid and law too.
    For kid I think prediction is early as he is still fighting big mom,and I think it’s the perfect time we get to see him use conquerer too (he might learn to coat it now seeing big kom do the same way luffy learned)making him the true rival of luffy

  10. Usopp, Nami and Chopper should be on the same tier. Move Usopp up one in my opinion.

    We don’t know enough about Yamato to put her as S tier but my gut feeling is she’s not stronger than Zoro, Marco or King.

    All Momo has done is bite Kaido? Everyone else in C tier would kick his ass.

    Apoo should move up a tier. He’s at least as strong as Jinbe and Hawkins.

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