
SPOILER: Chapter 1038 – Is this Zoro’s curse?

SPOILER: Chapter 1038 – Is this Zoro’s curse?

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  1. Tbh I think ppl r reading into this too much and it is like a monsters of the triangle type thing where its just to show us this world has lore beyond what we see/mytsical elements we won’t have time to get into. And maybe one of them is that there is a literal death/grim reaper for everyone (or maybe just swordsman)

  2. Well I think the grim reaper is from the wado ichimonji (kuinas sword). It’s the only sword and arguably the most important and treasured sword to zoro which hasn’t had any relevance since zoro got it, the grim reaper could represent the spirit of kuina and it tests zoro.

    Big misconception in the community is that kuina commited suicide because ‘falling down the stairs means suicide’ but this is false and was created by op fans on this app years ago. It’s very much implied that kuina impaled herself with the sword by falling down the stairs because she was literally carrying the sword when she fell, then zoro wanted that sword straight after. Maybe that’s the curse of the sword, but to me it’ll be good storytelling if that grim reaper is from wado ichimonji because of the stuff I said

  3. Enma is also “cursed” in the same sense that the Kitetsu series is “cursed”. The swords forcibly brings out the user’s power when they are used. Those that can’t handle them properly die in battle, making them infamous as “cursed” swords. Between Enma and San dai Kitetsu, Enma is the more forceful one.

  4. Enma is the King of Hell in Japanese mythology. I think this one is right as it is but Kitetsu’s curse is yet to come. Or is it? Kitetsu means Demon Splitter so maybe that ended as well when he first used Asura.

  5. Enma is the King of Hell in Japanese mythology. I think this one is right as it is but Kitetsu’s curse is yet to come. Or is it? Kitetsu means Demon Splitter so maybe that ended as well when he first used Asura.

  6. We learned in the King fight that there’s no such thing as actual curses. Swords have a temperament of their own, and the greater the sword the greater the temperament. Swordsmen who aren’t strong enough to wield these swords get injured or killed when they attempt to do so, leading to the reputation of cursed swords.

    Zoro seeing the grim reaper may turn out to be something else/more, but it’s most likely just a dramatic visualization to depict that this is the closest to death he’s ever been

  7. I think it has to do with the black blade, haki gods like Roger or Shanks don’t have the black blade despite being powerful haki users. Instead of haki I think it’s like attunement to death.

  8. Well, whatever it is, it’s unlikely to ever be brought up again. That and everything else we expected for Zoro’s backstory got reduced to the SBS.

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