
how i imagined the one piece planet according to that model in ohara. don’t pay too much attention to the placement of the islands????????

how i imagined the one piece planet according to that model in ohara. don’t pay too much attention to the placement of the islands????????

11 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. Nice to see you placing Grand Line and Red Line as X and not +.

    X always makes more sense for placing North Blue on well, north, rather than northeast.

  2. This is great except realistically the moons should be farther away from the planet if one piece moons are anything like our. A lot of people arent aware that you could fit like 30 earths inbetween the earth and the moon, thats how far away it really is.

    Was kinda crazy when i first learned avout it but it makes total sense, else the moon would be huge on the night sky.

  3. Everyone is pointing out the contradiction between the planet system map in OHara and the apparent existence of only one moon in reality.

    What if, those aren’t moons, but planets? What if Ohara scholars wrongly believe their planet to be the center of the universe, so they model everything revolving around their world?

  4. I truly think there’s only one moon in the OP world. After a thousand chapters of only seeing one moon is it not strange we haven’t seen any of these other moons? Also Enel talks about gods living on “the moon” not one specific moon. I mean hell, if I was an artist I would relish drawing multiple celestial bodies, the fact that Oda hasn’t yet tells me there’s only one.

  5. I never like the idea that someone had already made a globe of their planet. Even of it didn’t have every island I feel like it kinda undermines Nami’s dream to chart it herself.

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