
Yonko commanders Vs. 7 Warlords of the sea. Which side wins? (All pirates in their primes)

Yonko commanders Vs. 7 Warlords of the sea. Which side wins? (All pirates in their primes)

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  1. I’m not saying Warlords are a bunch of dead weights but damn Mihawk carries them HARD. He’s not part of the Warlords, he IS the Warlords.

    If they are horny fucks then Hancock can beat them easily (so Queen will turn to stone immediately).

  2. If it’s a 7 on 7 and they fight as a team then I’d give it to commanders. Mihawk is the only huge threat for the warlords. But I consider queen,king,Marco,katakuri huge threats also.

  3. It’s hard to say because characters like Hancock and Kuma are hard to scale but I would still choose commanders. Most commanders can win 1v1 against a shinchibukai while Marco holds Mihawk. King, Kata and Jozu arguably alone could give a tough fight to the others 6 shichibukais, it practically becomes stomp in my view with the other commanders’s help. In the end the commanders team up against the Mihawk and win the fight. Not to mention that Moria and Crocodale are one shot material against most of these commanders, while even Jack and Vista will be hard to take down.

  4. I think it boils down to Katakuri, Marco and King VS Mihawk, Doflamingo and Kuma, that’s a tough one but I will go with Warlords Mihawk is just that guy I think he is between Admiral and Emperor level, prime Kuma is fucking BROKEN and y’all be sleeping on Doffy people forget how much it took to take him down, but then again Kata has future sight and an awakened devil fruit, Marco has flight and will be healing people left and right and King is an absolute savage, I think Kuma will bamf away Vista, Jozu and maybe even queen taking them out of the fight, while Doffy and Kata have an awakened Devil Fruit showdown, Strings vs Mouchi baby, Marco and King will be flying around destroying Moriah and maybe Jimpe, while Crock and Mihawk use their range to shoot them out of the sky and Boa well be holding back Jack, I don’t know why I see her slapping him around and she may be able to turn King to stone depending what type of pervert he is.

  5. Considering jinbei is currently basically a yonko commander 3

    And just wanted to remind that Vista isn’t equal to mihawk but he held him off perfectly fine in marineford

  6. I think commanders because most of shichibukais couldn’t win a 1 vs 1 agains a commander but people are talking like mihawk solo then all lol, even if he is yonko level a first commander like Marco or katakuri could stand a fight for some time, he would have no chance against 5 commanders

  7. yonko commanders. mihawk is super strong but the rest of the warlords are not on their level. yes boa can turn them into stone but kata alone can handle her. the rest would be crushed by the yc. mihawk would solo all of them if they are fighting 1v1

  8. Am I losing my mind here? How can people put the warlords above the commanders? Of course mihawk Is very strong and all, but still. I mean boa, doffy and crocodile should not be winning against either Marco, kata, King or Queen. Jinbei shouldn’t either win against those guys if we look at the Sanji and zoros matches in the story right now. Kuma is strong and has a powerful fruit but I don’t see him winning either.

  9. Yonkos EASILY, Katakuri, Jack and Queen and Marco could destroy the warlords together without Mihawk, WITH Mohawk tho it’s be harder for them but they would kill em all

  10. This is actually a good one. Mihawk is stronger than everyone but Katakuri, Marco, King and Queen are stronger than mostly all the Warlords. Then Kuma does have a broken fruit.

    But I’m leaning more towards the Commanders.

  11. As long as not 1 commander, ESPECIALLY not Jozu, falls for Hancock, Theyre gunna be ok until Kuma starts sending them flying or just pushing their abstract concepts out of them such as energy and life force. But real talk I’ll watch mihawk’s slashes bounce off jozu all day

  12. Idk everyone talking up mihawk which I get he is badass but Vista held his own against him at marineford but they had to stop their duel with Vista even saying he’d like to one day finish the duel mihawk acknowledges him as a great swordsman. Get a win over croc and Maria others could help Vista with mihawk and the commanders win giving queen doesn’t fuck it all up

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