
I am a drawer with disabilities and I have high anxiety so I can’t draw straight so tracing it over gets hands and I know it’s not great but its the best I can do ;-:

I am a drawer with disabilities and I have high anxiety so I can’t draw straight so tracing it over gets hands and I know it’s not great but its the best I can do ;-:

I am a drawer with disabilities and I have high anxiety so I can't draw straight so tracing it over gets hands and I know it's not great but its the best I can do ;-:

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  1. Don’t let yourself get discouraged by comparing your drawings with other because believe me most are either professional or so kind of art school students.

    If you have fun drawing and enjoy spending your time doing so then people will appreciate it because it has more emotion and live to it.

    That being said I would love to see your drawings of the rest of the crew. Looking forward to those.

  2. Hey! You did it, which is better than 99% of people who talk about it and never try!

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Work around your weakness and go for your strengths. If straight lines are difficult, try and get a flowing and curvy style to your art. Sometimes being different can help you make more unique and interesting art.

  4. Man, I’m gonna get banned for this, but surely this is just sadbaiting. “Haha nobody can say shit because I said I’m disabled”

  5. Honestly it’s better than I can draw and I’ve tried to do Zoro but I made him look like an egg. And if you love the story and the characters there’s no hate here! Keep up the good work!

  6. It’s probably better than anything I could draw, and I take art class. Good job, no one starts at the top. We all climb up at our own paces. Keep it up!

  7. its all about you spin it. you say its noy great, the community says that’s just your own style of drawing. chin up, king (not the character, unless…)

  8. Comparison is the theft of joy. If drawing gives you pleasure don’t take that away by comparing to others work.

  9. Hey there, I like to draw for fun and I also have high anxiety and shaky hands but can draw pretty straight lines when I get into it. Just slow down, take your time, maybe start with pencil first then draw over that. Not everything you make has to come out perfect, but if you make enough stuff and try to get a little better each time you will eventually surprise yourself.