
Anyone ever think about the fact that this guy is the reason Saitama got strong, AND the reason the hero association was founded?

Anyone ever think about the fact that this guy is the reason Saitama got strong, AND the reason the hero association was founded?

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  1. Insert the meme of progressively larger dominos starting with this guy eating too much crab and ending with Saitama traveling through time to sucker punch god out of his chosen disciple to prevent the death of all life on earth.

  2. >Anyone ever think about the fact that this guy is the reason Saitama got strong, AND the reason the hero association was founded?


    For example

  3. not “the” reason. Basically, a butterfly farting a century prior Saitama’s birth could be enough to cause him to be born. Does that make the butterfly The reason? You want it to be more direct? Then what about his father, or birther mother, or the people in charge of institutions who failed to at the time protect the populace from monsters, or the many monsters that had a good shot at killing Saitama but failed like the piggy bank.

    if anything, with how monsters end up becoming more frequent, it’d seem like a matter of time before Saitama has to fight some monster to protect a civilian or two.

  4. I remember back then people were talking about how he fought the crab (star sign: cancer) and that’s why he went bald and somehow then becoming a superhero being his imagination to cope with fighting cancer by battling all these monsters (obstacles)

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