
in the end, the only one who cares is fubuki

in the end, the only one who cares is fubuki

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  1. This made me think back to Fubuki.. and her being able to use other heroes energy stores to save people in need..

    This technically should make her a rank S hero.. because she has a unique healing power that’s absolutely crazy powerful in keeping heroes alive and kicking ass. This is what you call a power-multiplier, and is the reason why healers are a part of any multiplayer game.

    So Fubuki should get S rank after this IMO. Incredibly unique healing powers that can turn a force into a winning force.

  2. I mean,…she *did* care, but not entirely fair when saitama looked like he was about to kill garou after asking Genos if he was the one who beat him up ;;

  3. I mean. For DK, Genos is just a cyborg. Kuseno could probably buit many more “genos” to help the heros.
    The Orochi sample is unique and hard to get.
    Also he doesn’t care.

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