
Have they shown why he said that ?

Have they shown why he said that ?

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  1. Soon doesn’t matter.

    If Drive Knight is telling the truth, then Genos is up against a very well resourced, clever and paranoid man with fingers in everything and a terrifyingly large army.

    If Drive Knight is lying, then Genos is up against a very well organised, ruthless and calculating group of mecha-abusers with a total bastard as their chief troubleshooter.

    Or they could both be his enemy. Why choose?

  2. It’s a mystery till this day, but Drive Knight seem to want Genos to turn against Metal Knight. The motivation of both od them (Drive Knight and Metal Knight) are still unknown

  3. There is no doubt that Drive Knight sees Metal Knight as a rival. He claims that Metal Knight is a traitor but it’s uncertain at this point. In the manga, both DK and MK have done some pretty shady things.

  4. >!Team Drive Knight always! I hope he’s right cause I’m on his side and if it turns out that Drive Knight was the evil one than I’ll still be on his side. Metal Knight must fall!!!!! I believe Drive Knight and Metal Knight both scale higher than Tornado simply because neither side showed any interest or awe moments with Tornado. Not to mention Child Emperor saying Metal Knight is stronger even after witnessing the epic battle.!<

  5. He could have a grudge against Metal Knight, I mean he’s a sociopath with a personal army bigger and stronger than any other but is selfish with his use of it, doesn’t seem like that much of a Hero thing. I can certainly imagine that a few people want him taken down

    I’m not exactly caught up with the manga (only the physical copies) so I might be missing something big

  6. He could have a grudge against Metal Knight, I mean he’s a sociopath with a personal army bigger and stronger than any other but is selfish with his use of it, doesn’t seem like that much of a Hero thing. I can certainly imagine that a few people want him taken down

    I’m not exactly caught up with the manga (only the physical copies) so I might be missing something big

  7. Webcomic spoiler:

    >!I remember reading that drive knight said that his city was also destroyed by a monster similar to Genos and he is on the same hunt for the monster as Genos and believes Metal knight to be that cyborg
    Though nobody else seems to mention it so i may have remembered wrong!<

  8. In my opinion Drive Knight and Metal Knight are both good guys, but they are following a lone wolf path and they doesn’t trust nobody.

    Drive Knight has suspects about Bofoi and/or maybe he knows that a Bofoi cyborg get crazy in past that killed the Genos’s family. We have no clues yet about the past of many character so we cannot fully understand their actions and words.

    I think both are connected with the organization and i cannot exclude that Bofoi knows something about it and he is worried (and DK probably knows something too). A clue of this can be found in the chat between Child Emperor and Metal Knight while CE was searching for the MA base but Bofoi refused to join cause there was something/someone that was waiting for a weakened Hero Association so he had to preserve his strenght ([](

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