
you will not convince me that saitama wasn’t once a struggler

you will not convince me that saitama wasn’t once a struggler

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  1. Saitama has struggled but pls compare him to anything else other than guts , the guys whole life was literal burning hell from the moment he drew his first breath . Opm is comedic seinen so don’t compare it to a dark gritty tale like berserk , saitama is on the other scale of spectrum than guts as a protagonist

  2. Exactly bro!! you can say that Saitama’s arc is learning that he has no purpose or whatever (that is still great) but before anything, Saitama is the proof that the only thing to become stronger is yourself, Saitama was just a normal guy who worked hard to the point of nearly killing himself to get stronger with his own strength, and He achieved it, that’s why Saitama is the strongest guy in one punch man, beacuse he’s the only one who believed in himself while also working harder than everyone, yeah his training wasn’t so hard but the point is that it made him pushing his limits everyday,
    oh man I needed to let it out

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