
Another Question, When Oro was fighting 3rd Hokage, he tries to summon 3 people, who was third person?

Another Question, When Oro was fighting 3rd Hokage, he tries to summon 3 people, who was third person?

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  1. It is a plot hole*, but who cares. This fight happened too early in the manga before the complete plot and world building was fully developed.

    * It would be impossible to reanimate the 4th since his soul was in the shinigami’s stomach, but in the fight we was going to be reanimated and Hiruzen stopped it. Hiruzen also stopped him because he was the most menacing, that means in Kishimoto’s head at that time the 4th was much more powerful than Hashirama and Tobirama.

  2. I think it was intended to be Minato, maybe Oro didn’t know how Minato died exactly and only realised something was wrong when he failed to reanimate him ?
    Plus Kishi probably had no idea the way he’s gonna kill Minato in the future, or even the way he’s gonna handle the 4th’s backstory so…

  3. Guys, it’s minato. Do you really think that by the end of part one he was already thinking about the middle of the WA? Back then he didn’t even have all the rues for edo tensei. Orochimaru going to the uzumaki temple is irrelevant to a discussion about part one

  4. Theory with absolutely no proof it was madara that orochimaru had some how found a piece of his dna or even his old body or sm and that’s how kabuto found it later

  5. Minato, both the anime and manga make this pretty clear.

    In the anime, the coffin says fourth.

    The Manga is more consistent with lore that Minato couldn’t be summoned. Being in the belly of the shinigami. nothing happens when Oro counts to 3.

    However, at the time, Oro chalks it down to Hiruzen, stopping it.

    Which makes sense and isn’t a retcon because Orochimaru going into that fight, didn’t know shit about summoning the shinigami or that Minato used that to seal Kurama at the time.

  6. Are… Are you serious? Or is this a legitimate question? I assume this has to be a joke. It’s literally mentioned that the Fourth Hokage is dead, and at that particular point in the series it was calling him the best of the best. I don’t think anyone else could have been implied. Minato.

  7. Don’t you have to have a sacrifice, summon the soul to the dead sacrifice, and *then* store the Edo Tensei into the coffin for later use? If Orochimaru did step 1 and 2, shouldn’t he know the 4th couldn’t be summoned (bc the sacrifice wouldn’t turn into Minato)? The coffin is just the storage method.

    Orochimaru should have had a 3rd subordinate that he killed, tried to summon Minatos soul to the corpse, and then put the Edo in a coffin.

    Or is there another way to perform Edo Tensei where you kill the sacrifice, throw the dead body in a coffin, and then hope for the best when you later summon it?

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