
Itachi Stans☕

Itachi Stans☕

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  1. Didn’t know Thor made Loki a criminal and sent him on the path of hard vengeance with his manipulation, all while making him relive the death of his family thousand times over because killing them once apparently wasn’t hateful enough for him.

  2. Itachi wouldn’t even consider himself worthy, bc he fucking isn’t. What he did was not noble, it was political. Mjolnir would also not approve of the trauma he instilled in his younger brother. Foh

  3. Bro tried to brainwash his Bro from beyond the grave using his dead best friend’s eye power by having his bro’s ex-bestie puking a crown with said eyeball💀

    Guess he’s worthy 💀💀

  4. Yeah sure, and then he shits out buckets of blood and dies.

    That, and I’m pretty sure psychopathic war-criminals and mass-murderers like itachi aren’t worthy of anything but christian hell’s trash. Toss the fucker into satan’s pan; even he’d blush at his “true shinobi” accomplishments.

  5. I mean, he let you think that he lift that Mjolnir and then put it’s in your ass. After that, he gently kisses you on your lip and farts while leaving.

  6. If anyone I’d think it would be ay or darui bc they’re from the land of lightning & have abilities surrounding lightning which(from what I know) is the closest a Naruto character gets to Thor

  7. I found my people!!! Homie murks his own mom, dad and his whole clan bruh I have zero respect for him. “tHeY wErE gOiNg To StArT a ReBelLion” good I would have done the same if we were being treated like that. BS

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