
I would love to know your opinion: What do you think this crystal in the 18th opening of Shippuden is supposed to symbolise?

I would love to know your opinion: What do you think this crystal in the 18th opening of Shippuden is supposed to symbolise?

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  1. Bonds and or dreams

    Given we explicitly see Naruto chase after bonds and connections with others,

    And it’s even more evident with Sasuke actively avoiding, trying to attack and severe his bonds until he effectively finally strikes it down and in the background it shows him awakening his MS, showing he’s discarding his bonds but he didn’t fully destroy it partly because it’s his bond with Naruto can’t be broken, partially because his bond with Itachi.

    Then there’s Sakura whose caught between the two bonds and dreams of Naruto and Sasuke.

    I could have a full breakdown over opening 18

    But to keep it short
    It’s supposed to symbolize bonds and dreams

    Edit: I’ll update this post with a proper breakdown over opening 18 once I have spare time

  2. Will of Fire most likely, or just a representation of friendships/bonds. Itachi caught it an released it like what he did with the massacre and Sasuke kept trying to destroy it. It’s essentially what everyone wants and strives for, but only Naruto is able to encapsulate it and keep it

  3. I saw this from a youtube comment:

    It symbolizes peace, the people at the start were the people who gave their lives up for peace, thus letting it go down

    Naruto tries to find peace but as time goes on it becomes harder and harder

    Sasuke tries to find peace as well, but soon believes there’s no thing as true peace, and so tries to break it

    Sakura’s peace represents both Sasuke and Naruto, who move further away from her, representing the two crystals

    Kakashi and Obito’s peace, Rin is near but concurrently far and undetected

    Madara is near finding his own peace, but Kaguya grabs it, losing it entirely

    Everyone else tries to find peace, but they can’t catch it

    In the end, Naruto catches the crystal, and he keeps it close to him, he keeps “peace” close to him. Sakura grabs it, and holds onto it firmly, not wanting to lose her “peace”. Sasuke punches it away, representing that he think that there is no peace, and will not accept it. And Itatchi catches it, and releases it to the viewer, representing his sacrifice for peace.

  4. It looks to be the same material as Tsunades crystal necklace that she gave him, which symbolizes his aspirations of becoming Hokage. Remember Dan and (insert correct name here) wore it and had the same dream

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