
Fū Yamanaka was a really badass character, too bad he had little screentime.

Fū Yamanaka was a really badass character, too bad he had little screentime.

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  1. While I definitely liked him, just not a huge fan but I’m glad that people like him too. I’m just more of a fan of Torune. Dude had an outfit that slapped hard. Heck, I even liked the filler episode of him and Shino.

  2. He’s pretty nice when you consider he had better mastery of the Yamanaka techniques than 16-year-old Ino did, he was a very long-range sensor, and he was a top member of the Foundation, which would imply very high jonin-level taijutsu and tanto skills.

  3. The Yamanakas have pretty fucked up jutsus like the mind break jutsu that the enemy side controls to kill each other.

    Kishimoto tried to make them look weaker than they really are, but in war, even God Shinobi (Hashirama) himself needed the abilities of the Yamanaka clan.

    >!Without forgetting that the Yamanaka clan was the only clan in Konoha (other than Uchiha) that could control the Jubi for a few moments (without a sharingan).!<

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