
Oddest pairing ever bruh; no chemistry at all

Oddest pairing ever bruh; no chemistry at all

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  1. They’re given some development in the novels saying that she was the one that escorted Choji around the cloud village whenever he was there for business (similar to shikamaru and temari) if im not mistaken.

    But they ultimately paired together because of irony. Karui means “light” in reference to weight (also to highlight her teammate omoi which means “heavy”)

  2. Fans always come for this pairing because “it came out of nowhere” but when you think about it, it’s probably one of the most realistic couples in the series.

    How often do you find a couple who knew each other since they were kids VS a couple who just met by chance as working adults? Idk why a lot of people are hung up on the fact that there’s no “known” history to them. All you really need to know is that they crossed paths, dated, and eventually married because it worked out for them ://

    I mean, I was also shocked at first but it really doesn’t warrant all this discourse lol. The unexpected nature of this pairing is pretty much true to life, if you ask me.

  3. Mfs on this subreddit are really perplexed by the concept of random people meeting and getting together.

    Just wait till they hear how most of their parents got together.

  4. I don’t mind, sometimes just random people fall in love and things work out. i’m just happy that two people who look like they probably weren’t going to end up with someone based on their looks and personality ended up finding love in the most unexpected places.

  5. It’s most realistic than the other pairings where those guys for married to people they were friends with in childhood.

    That rarely ever happens to in real life.

  6. Yeah I don’t think they even interacted or really even knew each other at all in Shippuden, right? And they also don’t seem to be the happiest couple in Boruto either lol. Definitely the oddest pairing, and I wonder if it was solely done to make Chocho have a more distinct bloodline/background, or just to have a Leaf Village clan with ties to the Cloud like the Nara clan now has with the Sand via Temari.

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