
At what points in the story should Sasuke have used Kirin? Just to have him use it more than just once. I would have made him use it on Juubito. The anime adding Kirin to the Final Valley fight was excellent.

At what points in the story should Sasuke have used Kirin? Just to have him use it more than just once. I would have made him use it on Juubito. The anime adding Kirin to the Final Valley fight was excellent.

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  1. sometime against the five kage. like imagine if he just stayed outside, set up the jutsu and hit them with it without anyone realizing what was up, but obito and zetsu were testing him so that probably wasn’t gonna happen regardless. i don’t see any other situation since he didn’t want to kill deidara, bee, and itachi said no to killing kabuto.

  2. I’m not sure Kirin would be enough to beat his regeneration. Let alone his truths seeker orbs that he can shield with. Also, obito knows all of sasukes abilities. He knows the requirements and the seals needed from just having the intel from Itachi’s fight with Sasuke. So he’d have more than enough time to react before anything happened.

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