
Just realized that Sasuke and Pain never met, and honestly that’s such a missed opportunity. I feel like an interaction between the two would have been very interesting.

Just realized that Sasuke and Pain never met, and honestly that’s such a missed opportunity. I feel like an interaction between the two would have been very interesting.

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  1. I know Pain is supposed to be a “Naruto” who lost his way, but to me, I feel like he’s actually so similar to Sasuke. For one, they both wanted revenge on the Leaf village, they both go screaming out to Naruto that he can’t understand their “pain”. And out of everyone on the show, Sasuke and Pain share the most similar ideology and plans. Sasuke wanted to unify the world through fear using himself as the target. And Nagato wanted to unify the world through Pain. At their core, they’re actually very alike.

  2. I doubt it would be that interesting considering at the time those two were ‘if you don’t have anything for me I don’t care’ type of characters so I’d assume they would barely acknowledge each other probably just “so that’s itachis brother” for Pein and “so that’s the rinnegan” for sasuke and then both would just carry on about their business let’s not forget that sasuke has no regard for authority and wouldn’t won’t to appear like his is under anyones command….at least it’s what I feel would happen

  3. In a perfect world the whole Naruto/Sasuke drama would have been resolved early on in Shippuden and they + Sakura would have teamed up to take down Pain, not Kaguya.

    It would have been a nice way to end the series.

  4. My head cannon is them walking opposite directions, watching each other as they pass sizing each other up, nothing said between them. Maybe a “that guy’s strong ‘ on another level” to a third party or something.

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