
The problem with Boruto is that none of the villains are ever going to have the depth of Naruto villains or are going to be as well written as some of these

The problem with Boruto is that none of the villains are ever going to have the depth of Naruto villains or are going to be as well written as some of these

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  1. Every villain in Naruto (minus Kaguya) has some sort of worldview or ideological conflict with Naruto. The ones in Boruto do not. Additionally, the ones in Naruto have direct relationships to the main or supporting characters, are strong and imposing, even in early arcs, are BELIEVABLE, and until we get to Madara at least, not ancient terrors that can literally tank any conceivable possible attack.

    Kaguya and all her descendents aren’t like that. She and they come from nowhere, and have NO POSSIBLE relationship or ideological conflict with the main cast.

    So they won’t out-write Itachi as a villain, even though he isn’t the OG shows best villain, and they CERTAINLY won’t out-write Kisame, Nagato, even Zabuza or Orochimaru.

  2. Nagato was just a problem. That whole arc had me shook.

    Like everything leading up to Minato’s appearance destroyed the audience.

    Jiraiya and Kakashi dead. Hinata could’ve been dead. Who knows how many civilians dead. The village gone. And Naruto was about to release the nine tails.

    Nagato broke all we held dear.

  3. Especially if we compare Akatsuki with Kara. Even the Akatsuki members aren’t as strong, their fights are like ten times more interesting and fun to watch, because of how unique and well-written they are compared to Boruto villains

  4. I say it’s not like Boruto “can’t” have a good villain like that because nothing stops them from expanding the world and creating one this way by giving him/her good backstory and interesting motives. It’s just that they don’t even try to write such a good villain at all and only serve us “alien number 6” after the previous one. Pretty lacklustre

  5. I’m honestly really really really sick of the Otsutsukis. Like kaguya was already pretty boring a character and was just sorta a final hurdle, but that was about the extent of my ability to care, and I don’t think they intended at the time to expand on that part of the world at all

  6. The bad guys of Naruto were never entirely wrong is what made them great. They weren’t just evil. Zabuza and Haku had honor and loved each other, Gaara was ravaged by betrayal and loneliness, Orochimaru was a kid who felt the sting of death too hard and too young, Neji was essentially a slave in his own family, Kimimaro was an orphan who was trying to fight for the only person to take him in, Kabuto an orphan as well who forgot what he was in the efforts of war, Itachi a boy who killed his family to save his home, Pain wanted to use the hard lessons life taught him to end war, Obito and Madara wanted to end hatred and pain in the world, even if it meant putting everyone in a fake one and Sasuke was a youth with a life riddled by death, betrayal, revenge and endless amounts of sadness.

    The villains of Boruto are Space Gods whose only motivation is wanting to be stronger space gods.

  7. But now really thinking about it. Isn’t this proof that naruto achieved his dream? World peace. There’s no war or traumatic experience that shapes the mentality of a villain there’s just peace and prosperity.

  8. Villains in Naruto all had a journey to power. Like Uchihas awakening Mangekyo Sharingan. The journey to EMS. There was planning involved, and each had their own way of thinking that made people root for them. Most importantly, they made the rest of the cast relevant.

    Now, they just drop OP Villains who don’t have any struggle obtaining power and surprisingly never interact with the rest of the cast (only team 7 and Naruto).
    Some members of Konoha squad got to face members of the Akatsuki (Shikamaru vs Hidan). New gen, no one besides team 7 can face a Kara member and survive. His has turned side characters into reserves.

  9. You’re right, this is one of the few actual flaws in the series. Amado might be a good villain, if he is one that is, but other than him no others have been that good.

  10. A trend toward a more kid friendly franchise means more kid friendly villains. It is not impossible to make a nuanced villain within those constraints, but it is more difficult and it shows.

  11. Yeah that’s true. I mean we knew about Madaras existence from day one basically and in the end, he actually appeared and was even stronger than the legends about him said.
    The others in the picture as well (obviously)

    In Boruto we just have weird cyborgs or aliens, that after being introduced, get defeated in the next few episodes.
    I mean we did see that in Naruto too, but those were minor villains (that we all saw later as Edo Tensei) and Momoshiki or Isshiki seemed like endgame material.
    The whole Otsutsuki thing is odd enough and many people dislike it but I would’ve at least wanted Jigen or Isshik to be a long term enemy, that we get to know, learn about his past and also about his motivations. But they don’t have any, except for wanting to plant a tree, destroying mankind and then eating a fruit.

    Don’t get me wrong tho I still think Boruto is an amazing manga/anime with quite the potential and I really like it so far, it’s just the villains don’t have the same deep rooting in the story and all

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