
Just a reminder that at the age of 14 obito pulled up to the leaf village,controlled the nine tails and fought the 4th hokage.???? seems reasonable

Just a reminder that at the age of 14 obito pulled up to the leaf village,controlled the nine tails and fought the 4th hokage.???? seems reasonable

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  1. i know this isnt what op meant, but some people think its impossible that he did that. but when itachi killed an entire clan at age 16 its somehow very believable. kamui is op, sharingan is broken, uchiha bad

  2. I always chalked it up to him being extremely determined (which he was) just like how Naruto used to scream he wanted to become hokage..I feel like obito just trained constantly none stop with his plan in mind no distractions. That’s why I love his character so much he proved to himself that even a loser like him could be a threat to the whole world just because he really wanted peace and felt like he could achieve it himself. He’s got the same perseverance and determination as Naruto that’s what makes him the coolest guy his goal was so important he changed himself without even really thinking about it ..he also had hella Hashirama cells directly from madara and he had a MS that was hax ..and I think he got some training from madara also through zetsu..he still lost in combat to
    Minato and wasn’t really winning didn’t even try to really win just tried the only thing he thought would work and it didn’t ..the nine tails did most of the real damage minato dealt with him in like 5-8 mins tops

    He’s literally narutos ninja way envision through a villain that’s kinda his whole character evil Naruto..imagine Naruto at his age but a bad guy…Obito

  3. It’s crazy to think about when explained like that lol but not that crazy with context of all the amps he got and how broken Uchiha abilities are thanks to their sharingans

    And for comparison 16 year old Neji was a jonin, 15 year old Naruto even in the beginning of Shippuden probably had Jonin power and became almost Kage around rasenshuriken

    Like even beginning of Shippuden Sasuke might as well have been Kage Level and he was amped with drugs and such

    Oh Gaara was Kazekage before 15 years old

    So characters have been young and been really powerful

  4. I swear the original intention was just provide a villain, I think it being obito came later. He acts like he was surprised how good minato was when fighting him, yet he was minato’s student and saw back then just how fast / talented he was.. It also reminds me of Itachi growing up really fast, Obito here looks like a young adult, yet he’s supposed to be 14 here. Itachi was only 13-14 when he massacred his clan, but looked like a young adult.

  5. Ah yes, a message on how injecting yourself up with foreign substances (Hashirama Cells) or being descendants of literal Gods (Naruto, Sasuke) is way better and more rewarding than lame-ass hard work (Rock Lee) and no matter how abusive you may be to people who love you (Sasuke) or how many people you kill (Obito), even if it’s literally tens of thousands (Obito) you will be sympathized and forgiven by Ninja-Jesus/the son of the parents you indirectly killed (Naruto) because nothing sends a message like forgiving the Ninja equivalent of Hitler (Obito, and somewhat Tobirama). Because remember, you’ll only be punished for being a content person and decent father (Shikaku).

    Thanks Kishimoto

  6. And got clapped while having the biggest buff (Hashirama cells+Zetsu body) and the most haxed jutsu in the entire show. Tenten would be OP with so many hax shits that he didn’t even got from training. Nothing impressive here.

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