
Which character fits more as a member of team 15? Tsubaki or Sumire?

Which character fits more as a member of team 15? Tsubaki or Sumire?

Which character fits more as a member of team 15? Tsubaki or Sumire?

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  1. Sumire is now into science, which means she will be a different type of support later on.

    Tsubaki is just a different fighting style, though, so she fits the team better in the grand plan.

    Sumire is simply bigger-scale, lol.

  2. Honestly, I think their dynamic with Tsubaki is way more fun. Although I do miss the secondary color gang.

  3. I wish sumire return back to her team but she can’t since she’s with Amado. She’s working scientific ninja tools.

  4. From their outfits, Sumire. I think it’s fine that she left though, and I really like Tsubaki. I think that Tsubaki will stay with Team 15 though.

  5. Lowkey loved the dynamic with tsubaki and team 15 very enjoyable, but I’m glad sumire is returning back to the team :’>