
What abilities would you like the Jogan to have?

What abilities would you like the Jogan to have?

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  1. The power to control Momoshiki.
    The way things are going it’s unlikely that Boruto just gets on with life with a living Otsutsuki inside him.
    Jougan probably allows him to use Momoshiki’s power without turning into him completely.

  2. 1. The ability to see not only across space like the Byakugan, but across time and dimensions.
    2. Something related to the pure lands. That black sclera reminds me of Edo Tensei.
    3. The ability to see probability.

  3. The one ability (it has more ik) that I know is the ability to see chakra/before teleportation ninjutsu and whatever.

    Oh yeah I remember it can also do teleportation jutsu as seen is tbe Sumire arc.

  4. Since its abilities are on the God’s level, I think boruto will awaken it on the brink of being taken over by momoshiki. Momoshiki won’t be able to take over a power that’s greater than him. That’s my take on the most realistic way to awaken it and to add tension to the karma progression

  5. Is Jogan exist? Recently I can’t understand the mangaka: you put us in this series with this new eye immediately but you just stop to both show to us or make the character trying to improve this one or learning knowledge about

  6. I’m thinking it’ll have something *similar* to each of the other eyes, all in one. I have a theory behind it: if the rinne-sharingan was the predecessor to both the Rinnegan and the Sharingan, the three great dojutsu are derived from the Otsutsuki, then maybe the Jogan is like the oldest eye that they had before they took to taking the genetic material from other worlds.

  7. Byakugan on steroids so:
    1. 360 degree vision, seeing chakra networks and all that jazz, (let him get rotation and hyuuga moves please)
    2. Seeing into other dimensions/tracking chakra across dimensions
    3. portals to other dimensions(but he already has karma for this)

    Id be fine with just this and boruto uses other abilities to reach his peak.

  8. I’d like it to have the Byakugan abilities, along with brand new useful abilities. Kind of like Sasuke’s Rinnesharingan, it has the other Sharingans abilities (Sharingan, Mangekyo, EMS) along with a lot of powerful sets of abilities.

    If Boruto had all the abilities of the Byakugan, along with maybe something similar to Tenseigan’s abilities ? Like some chakra mode, Tenseigan has a Green chakra mode, Naruto had an orange one, Sasuke has a purple one, maybe Boruto should get a Blue one ?

    Truth seeking orbs maybe ?

    Telekinesis maybe ? Tenseigan has the ability to move the moon entirely and summon a giant golem, and even revive a planet in the eventuality it gets destroyed, maybe Jogan could do something similar to these things to a lesser extent.

    Maybe even Time-Space travel lmao, something similar to Whis in DBS, he can go back 5minutes in time, it would give the Jogan a similar look to Izanami, except it wouldn’t be a loop, it would also need to be nerfed a little, like Boruto can only use it with caution or it risks creating a paradox, erasing him from the timeline. Or he can’t use it more than once in a battle, because once he goes back in time, his eye closes and he can’t use it for days ?
    Or just make it like a 5minutes cap, basically he just has a 5minutes timer that reduces everytime by the amount of seconds he time-jumped

  9. Byakugan + Ability to control 10 tails + teleportation + ability to nullify karma because the eyes are related to the Otsutsuki clan itself! Basically Otsutsuki powers that can be used at will!

  10. For me, bending dimensions, for example someone throws a punch at him and boruto just snaps the dimension to another one, stopping the hit fully, similiar to Gojo infinity in Jujutsu Kaisen. Basically a kamui except it can’t do any harm to the attacker (like rip of arm like kakashi did to deidera)

  11. To guide its user or rather, provide the solutions to user with what he or she whishes to accomplish. primary ability being a guiding force. Basically reality warping simplified

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