
Besides Naruto and sasuke who is the strongest in boruto ?

Besides Naruto and sasuke who is the strongest in boruto ?

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  1. Orochimaru. Easily one of it the most haxxed characters in the series.

    He has:


    All 5 basic nature transformations

    Expert skills in Kenjutsu

    Possibly still has the Sword of Kusanagi

    Good taijutsu and physically very strong

    Wood style

    Edo Tensei

    A jutsu that turns enemies into dust

    All the abilities of the Sound Four and Taka (sound genjutsu, Hydrification and etc)

    Triple Rashōmon

    Infinite Sage Mode (immune to visual genjutsu when activated)

    Can reattach limbs that have been cut off

    Immune to poison

    If I’m gonna be honest I think he could give the current Sasuke and Naruto a good fight. Unless you seal him he’s pretty much impossible to get rid off.

  2. Orochimaru. Lee if he can open all eight gates, Guy still can in theory so he’s at least worth a mention. Sakura. That Iwagakure guy if he’s still alive (Kitsuchi I think his name was), A and Bee are still around too I guess. Gaara also deserves a mention

  3. if you talking about risking your own fkn life and then giving you results, i will bet on Rock Lee for that matter, yeah orochimaru is yeah immortal blah blah but in front of Madara? he is just a kage and madara is ready to humiliate him but ROCK LEE CAN SUMMON A DRAGON WITH A KICK probably MORE coz he did surpassed might guy. And yes kabuto and orochimaru are amazing but yeah i am biased towards these taijutsu specialists so yeah Rock Lee man u deserve the world NO HACKS JUST FIST

  4. sakura
    she is the only ninja right behind naruto and sakura she is one of the only ninja who is kage.
    she was taught by not only 1 hokage but 2. now lets talk about her feats

    1 she was able to beat saosri by herself now i know some people say granny chiyo helped. well if you think that your dumb she granny chiyo only helped her in the beginning and then she stopped and stated herself that sakura doesn’t even need her help.

    2 naruto would be dead without her.

    3 monster strength

    4 completely resistant to genjutsu

    5 hundred seals.

    6 knocked off kagyua horn.

    7 fought shin uchiha and won.

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