
Who’s a character you hate to admit is fodder?

Who’s a character you hate to admit is fodder?

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  1. Kiba. Had one of the best fighting styles in part 1 and both Fang over Fang and the Man Beast Clone shit was cool. Then he gets greased into a hobo in part 2 and doesn’t do anything.

  2. This dude was born a side character but he is probably the most important relationship for Naruto’s early development.

    Those don’t know but Naruto learned compassion from iruka because until that point, he only really knew rejection. Imagine a what if scenario where iruka dies before Naruto learns this lesson. The story may have been completely different

    Unless you subscribe to the fact that ashura reincarnation thing basically robs Naruto of any sort of individuality in his development in which case nothing changes and GOD I HATE THAT PLOT POINT

    it robs Naruto of all his good will since we now know he’s got it from somewhere else

  3. Tenten. She as a weapons master was SO COOL, and the few moments the Anime gave her were interesting. However, Kishimoto for some reason refuses to have her do anything of importance.

  4. Not every character in the series needs to be a powerhouse to have some significance. Iruka was an educator, and he’s very proud of it because many of his students went on to be good important people.

  5. Character that I hate to admit is a fodder? No one

    But characters that i do think that are fodder and know people won’t be happy when I say it : Hinata, Kiba and Shikamaru (to an extent, he’s op when he has a prep time and a team which he can utilise but on his own I don’t think he can beat anyone above a certain levels of shinobi like kages of the past and beyond, only kages I can see him defeating are Chojuro, kagatsuchi and maybe Darui but nothing above that)

  6. Anko was treated just as badly but to be fair the author didn’t really flesh out his female characters. Anko I just find really sad. She had an amazing badass attitude with a punk rock fashion and he just didn’t really develop her character. Although she was treated a bit better than iruka was. But yeah they got done pretty dirty and anko got it worse in boruto

  7. My favorite character in all of Naruto is Sasori. He gets done so damn dirty though. They really hype him up with his all of his prior feats(all of which happened offscreen, mind you), his master of puppetry being above basically anyone in history, and his ability to kill people with basically a single scratch due to his poison.

    What happens to him? He straight up THROWS both fights he’s actually in, and dies before act 1 of shippuden is even done.

    He’s got everything; interesting backstory, unique fighting style, believable personality, and they just do… nothing with him.

  8. Everyone except Naruto and Sasuke. I hate it but at the end of the day everyone just had a role to fulfill for the two main characters. After that everyone was clearly left behind aside from necessary interactions or mentions.

  9. This right here is one of the plethora of resons that boruto sucks ass. I mean come on, they could have made a completely new story that doesn’t involve any of the characters, instead of making them all die a slow death.

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