
orochimaru’s curse mark is just like karma if you will think about it.

orochimaru’s curse mark is just like karma if you will think about it.

8 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. Yes and no…
    You can say that karma serves the same purpose as the curse mark,that is to prepare the vessel.
    But the karma is more advanced version of it as it is the basic genetic data being transferred

    Whereas, the curse mark simply prepares the vessel’s body to handle the transfer.

  2. i hope they expand more upon this. in the manga kawaki and sarada talked about karmas similarities with byakugou seal (mark on sakuras forehead) or whatever its called that the anime completely removed for no reason

  3. Watch them retcon Karma even more with some lame explanation of how its the first “curse” mark and all others after it were mere copies or lesser in nature as some people have already pointed out in this thread.

    So basically Boruto is going to be the Sasuke of this gen (Curse mark) and Kawaki (PTSD) the Naruto.

  4. Karma and karma vessels are more similar to curse mark and H-cells research (yamato). it’s like they copied those stuffs and mainly focusing now so it seems like something new.

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