
what will you guys do after revolution

what will you guys do after revolution

7 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. There is no revolution.

    We will see another World War before we see a revolution.

    People are too cowardly and self interested to actually get off their ass and do something to make the world a better place. Especially if they dont directly benefit personally from it in the immediate future

    Most will turn on the ones they love just to ensure they get a better deal. Bootlickers and shills are MUCH more common than heroes.. something like 1000000:1

    Instead, we will all get drafted to go die in a war with some other country who also has a problem with a pending revolution, while the world’s richest elite sit back and fuck prostitutes together at a hidden location where they all systemically work together to ensure that they maintain control over the world at any cost.

    See yall in Taiwan/Poland!

  2. Read a book before sharing any political opinions. The whole “what comes after the revolution” thing has been answered a million times by multiple people from over 100 years ago. Lenin’s book State and Revolution is badically answering thos question if you genuinely want to know more about it. Also the idea that you can’t be an artist under communism is ridiculous when you look at the cultural booms that took place in the Soviet union immediately after the revolution

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