
‘Tis a minor setback

‘Tis a minor setback

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  1. Yeah idk why but I just didn’t care when my games got corrupted, I remember once I had like 98% or something like that on my lego game and it got reset and I was like “aight time to go again”

  2. That feeling when i have a ps2 but i have never played it because the read head is broken and at this point its easier to just download the games i have from the internet and use an emulator to play them

  3. I remember playing Ratchet and Clank Deadlock. That was my favorite game on PS2. I completed the game 100%, lost all the data, and did it again. Thank you for bringing up the PS2. Cause all it did was remind me of having fun playing a game that I really enjoyed.

  4. Use to leave my Xbox on all night with a rubber band around the controller so I didn’t loose progress I didn’t have a memory card at all.

    The past few years I’ve played it again with a memory card and battle for bikini bottom and such and holy shit those games get difficult idk how I did it when I was 5

  5. 200 hours lmao, I play this twisted game called hypixel skyblock and had my 1.9k hour account hacked and lost everything. So as any normal living creature I started a new account

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