
So what will it be?

So what will it be?

So what will it be?

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  1. Bro actual ghosts would be awesome. The fuck they gonna do? Move a chair a little? Great conversation piece.

  2. Had roaches since 2017, my dude. Fried my PS4, mother called the people in charge of out apartments, and twice across these four years, they sent them once, the roaches came back because the apartment folks won’t pay for them more than once.

    Please. Send me fucking ghosts that’ll beat the shit out of me when I try to sleep, I’ll take actual Satan at this point

  3. Ghosts, I’ve had them before and I’m much more comfortable than having to consider a roach anywhere near where I sleep.

  4. Fuck roaches I had roaches but about 3 months ago we called the exterminators and got rid of them I will take the ghosts