
I hope the kang dynasty goes back to a small avengers team before we get to secret wars

I hope the kang dynasty goes back to a small avengers team before we get to secret wars

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  1. I think the MCU is going to move away from one relatively tight storyline and separate into more separate stories that will occasional bump into each other. Here is just going to be too much content for all but the most dedicated fans to keep up with.

    So it will be more like the comic books, the x-men are one place, the more horror genre like Blade and Moon Night, magical, street level etc. And the general public can be a bit more choosy

  2. Nah I like the trend of Avengers movies having increasingly bigger amounts of characters to the point where Endgame was just a ludicrous amount of people

  3. Totally agree. There are just way too many characters in the story, so each characters development and their chemistry with each other is hard to manage. Avengers 1 started simple with a focus on the original 6 and Age of Ultron + Endgame worked well by just building on those core 6 and adding a few supporting characters.

    Infinity War is the exception, and even then the whole Wakanda group besides Hulk knew each other from Civil War and earlier. The only totally new relationship dynamics that IW needed to establish were Tony and Peter with Strange, that group + the Guardians and the Guardians with Thor.

    With Kang Dynasty, who actually has a well established relationship heading into that movie? Peter and Strange, Sam and Bucky, Scott and Hope, The 3 Marvels, Hulk and She Hulk. It’s just a bunch of a small duos and trios of characters with no team dynamic yet.

  4. Man I would love to see Scott and Hope together in an Avengers lineup, but man it seems like Scott is gonna bite the dust in Quantamania.

    Really prayin he doesn’t

  5. An EG style army line up will probably be reserved for the climax.

    Before that, it will probably resemble IW, where different teams work seperately for a common goal.

  6. Normally I’d agree. A little tighter focus for earlier teacups would be nice. But business we are only getting 2 Avengers films this entire saga. I am more than willing for a bigger group to show up. That’s honestly my main draw to the mcu. The big team ups.

  7. Secret Wars will feel very disappointing if the cast is small. It needs to be bursting at the seams and include every character they have, and then some. It can still focus more on a smaller group of heroes, but if it isn’t as big as the premise should allow it to be, it will be disappointing.

  8. It would be cool to me if the characters who reassemble the Avengers are Ant-Man and the Wasp, with the help of Wong, after they fight Kang. They were OG Avengers who didn’t get that recognition before and should have some of that kind of adaptation in the MCU.

    I think The Kang Dynasty, though, will probably have quite a large roster when all is said and done. Maybe a few get left out (Eternals, Spider-Man, Moon Knight etc.), but I don’t see a whole lot getting left out.

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