
This really shows what kind of man Steve was

This really shows what kind of man Steve was

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  1. This kind of understanding is why he didn’t blink an eye taking their help once he saw them turn on Ultron. They weren’t villains in his mind. Just kids being used by Villains. So the second he saw them rebel against Ultron he didn’t hesitate. “Good I need your help. Do this! go!”

    and before you say it, it’s not like he’s being too trusting. I am sure he kept an eye on them But in that moment it came down to.. “Doesn’t matter, stopped the train.”

  2. I can think of 14,000,605 ways Marvel could have mishandled Steve Rodgers. They could’ve made him an overly patriotic caricature. They could’ve done what Warners has done with Superman and opt to make him “dark and gritty” because upbeat heroes “aren’t relatable.” They could have done [this](

    But instead, Marvel and Evans gave us the most comic accurate, perfect portrayal of Steve Rodgers we could’ve possibly asked for. I am hard pressed to think of anyone since Chris Reeve who has so perfectly captured the spirit of a character.

    And when you watch the MCU movies and pay very close attention to Steve’s arc, which is far more subdued and understated than Tony’s, it is so fucking perfect. Feige and Co. really hit a home run with Cap.

  3. My favorite Steve character bit is now Zuno in FatWS. Even that guy, who was zealous to the point of homicide about the existence of Super Soldiers, was like “Well yeah, obviously Steve Rogers was great.”

    Edit: Z E M O


  4. Every time I rewatch Age of Ultron, I appreciate it more, especially the writing. Joss, for all his personal flaws, did such an incredible job on Avengers 1 and Ultron. It will be interesting revisiting this film after Hawkeye, and see how meaningful the farm scene was to not just Hawkeye but the team and the franchise.

  5. This man fought the world war, lost everyone he ever knew, wakes up 70 years later and is thrown into another war and 2 more after that, Saved bucky and gave him a new life, still people were complaining about him going back to finally live his life

  6. It’s important to always put yourself in the mindset of the people you are opposing. No matter what, no matter how awful no matter what they’ve done. If you never do that then you’ll never understand their actual issue that they opposing you over.

  7. I’ve always had issues with this bit of dialogue. It makes Maria Hill out to be incredibly myopic in order to elevate Cap. “We’re not at war.” It’s incredibly naive – does she really think just because the US doesn’t think they’re at war with Sokovia, Sokovia can’t be at war with someone else? They can’t perceive the US’ influence as invasive? She’s supposed to be one of the world’s greatest intelligence agents and she fails to understand something so basic, all in the name of quippy dialogue.

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