
James Gunn on Marvel’s involvement on GOTG

James Gunn on Marvel’s involvement on GOTG

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  1. People think it’s mapped out to every last detail and I don’t really think it is. Why can’t they just be good at building on what’s already been done?

    Of course there are big overarching things, like they know Thanos is going to be the big bad at the end, so they need to introduce him at some point, but it’s not like Feige is telling Peyton Reed “be sure to have The Wasp make fun of Ant-Man for calling him ‘Cap’ because we’re going to call back to it in Endgame.”

    It’s just like how good TV shows can make it look like it’s all part of a grand plan when they’re really not planning things out that far in advance, like Breaking Bad.

  2. I think some movies may be studio-controlled a lot more than others, like IW, EG, NWH and the like, while others like Guardians, Eternals and Shang Chi are a lot more creative driven.

  3. If the studio is doing its job correctly they make sure the director’s vision is in line with what they want before actually hiring the director.

    And when that’s happened properly the director never feels like there’s any creative pressure on them because they’re making the movie the studio wanted them to make.

    I suspect if a director started making choices Marvel Studios didn’t like they would start finding their creative freedom slipping away.

  4. Give them just a few plot points they need to hit and let them loose and see what they come up with. A good plan when you hire good talent. I am sure if someone came back with something too far off the master plan Feige is smart enough to nudge them back in too if it ever came to that.

    I think that’s the problem Star Wars had. They tried the same thing and had people come back with stuff that was too far off the path and they were not as good about getting things back on as Feige is. That’s why Solo had such a rocky production and the sequel trilogy was so uneven.

  5. I don’t get why people still think the MCU controls what directors put in their movies, while several directors already said that this isn’t the case. Ofcourse, they had a few people that left due to creative differences, Edgar Wright, Patty Jenkins, Scott Derrickson. But mostly, directors say otherwise.

  6. I call bullshit. Gunn is on rails and he knows it. MCU is a factory with many people involved and he’s not the only director that gets to do whatever he wants. He doesn’t even write it all. There were 3 other writers on the first film. It’s based on existing material and Kevin is watching every move.

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