
Hawkeye’s Trick Arrows by Eliot R. Brown from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #5 (1986)

Hawkeye’s Trick Arrows by Eliot R. Brown from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #5 (1986)

Hawkeye's Trick Arrows by Eliot R. Brown from the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #5 (1986)

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  1. Was the flare arrow the one he tried to use on Daredevil? I know at one point ihe was in a fight with Daredevil and he pulled out an arrow and just sort of held it at Daredevil.

    Daredevil was all “You’re not even shooting it at me? How does that work?”

    Hawkeye, “I don’t have to shoot this arrow to use it on you, the painfully bright light will do its work.”

    Daredevil “Oh, oops, um, I mean my eyes! Aah! It’s so bright!”

  2. Illustrations like this make me so happy. It’s lovely to see how much thought the creators have put into these characters and these worlds, it isn’t just, ‘hey, wouldn’t it be cool if he had an arrow that reverses gravity?’ ‘Aw, yeah, that’ll look so sick in this issue!’

  3. **Boomerang Arrow.**

    [Always comes back to you in the end.](

    Respect it.

  4. I loved that at times the sonic arrow was tweaked to pull Banner out of Hulk mode and it actually worked.

  5. I’m so conflicted here. On one hand, I don’t want the naming standardization ruined, but on the other, it really bugs me that it’s not called the Flarrow.

  6. This is cool but it seems extremely I convenient like even with training I can’t imagine him being able to look at a situation, identify and decide which of these 14(+?) arrows to use and then locate where the arrow is in the quiver and use it. Just funny to me lol

  7. Bro, I just want to let you know that you just unlocked a great forgotten memory with this post. I LOVED these handbooks as a kid and I totally forgot about them until now. Thank you so much!

  8. I collected the Handbooks. I’d turn straight to the strength levels of all my favorite big boyes.

  9. Eliot R. Brown is THE MAN! (and for most of us our hero, whether we knew it not!)

  10. Is there an explanation for how Hawkeye knows which arrow he’s grabbing? I’d assume he’s trained his muscle memory to know where all of them are at a moment’s notice, but I’m usually wrong lol.

  11. Hacking arrow is missing here. Like the one he used it to infect Ultron with Zola virus in what if

  12. -Hawkeye! Use another explosive arrow! It seems like it’s working!

    -Uh, I only carry one of each, I can try with the putty arrow maybe.

  13. Was about to ask if he had a kryptonite arrow. Then realised I don’t want 2 million downvotes.

  14. Man the trick arrows are probably the reason why Hawkeye is really cool in my mind.
    I always like how he has an arrow for every occasion.