
Why did Quicksilver here even bother to put his music on if this scene is in the timespan of a fraction of a second? Does he have some specialized headphones or something?

Why did Quicksilver here even bother to put his music on if this scene is in the timespan of a fraction of a second? Does he have some specialized headphones or something?

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  1. Because much like the song, his power can “put time in a bottle” so to speak.

    Also that is a good question haha maybe he has a x999 speed setting somewhere for when he runs

  2. From a great X Men writer:

    **“Adults…struggle desperately with fiction, demanding constantly that it conform to the rules of everyday life. Adults foolishly demand to know how Superman can possibly fly, or how Batman can possibly run a multibillion-dollar business empire during the day and fight crime at night, when the answer is obvious even to the smallest child: because it’s not real.”**

    -Grant Morrison

  3. Time compression, not speed.

    If it was speed, a few things would be different…

    1> The plate he throws would not stop in midair after releasing it

    2> The various knives in the air would not move for a moment then stop, they would continue moving

    3> He would be leaving a trail of flame behind him exactly like that left by a meteor

    4> The soup he samples would have become an incandescent plasma from the impact

    5> The newspapers he slides across would not behave like normal displaced paper and then stop moving, they would ignite from the friction

    6> The impact of the raindrops on his glasses would shatter them, not to mention the impacts on his body

    7> When he moves the bullets off-course, they would continue on the new course set for them, not continue on the old trajectory just offset by the push

  4. I just rewatched this the other night.

    With Nixon in office, at the latest the year is 1974, although the Vietnam/Saigon tie-in more likely makes it 1973.

    At any rate, the cassette walkman didn’t exist until 1979.

    So, is he listening to a radio?

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