
What do you think would happen if the Civil War never happened. Nitro never kills the New Warriors so the Registration Act doesn’t happen. Keep in mind Annilus was on his way

What do you think would happen if the Civil War never happened. Nitro never kills the New Warriors so the Registration Act doesn’t happen. Keep in mind Annilus was on his way

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  1. Arguably, Steve Rogers might not ‘die’. Or SHIELD wouldn’t be in such a disarray that someone could have figured out the Faustus plot. This means we might not get Bucky!Cap, which is big in regards to Bucky’s personal growth.

    Or it happens anyway because Steve semi-retires if Sharon is still pregnant and doesn’t lose the baby.

    Also, Reed and Sue likely wouldn’t have needed their ‘save the marriage’ trip and Storm/T’Challa wouldn’t have been on the F4 for awhile.

  2. Spider-Man would have no reason to reveal his identity, Kingpin would not hire a hitman to kill Aunt May and Peter Parker would not sell his marriage to Mephisto.

    Although knowing Parker’s luck, I would not be suprised if Mary Jane and Peter Parker ended up divorcing.

  3. They’d listen to Nova and get a team ready to go to space to fight alongside him fast tracking right to Infinity where the Earth is left unguarded and Thanos shows up to fuck shit up against the Inhumans

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