
Can you please spoil me about this manhwa? I just want some spoilers…

Can you please spoil me about this manhwa? I just want some spoilers…

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  1. He eats, is evil.his friend/enemy also reincarnated the mc is strong and eats babies its fun (his enemy is a prince or something) not that good boring after he joined hero and started killing the 4 demon lords he is the calamity too boo

  2. He literally just eats anything from slimes to dragons and gains their powers. He also mix matches them like using the internal organs of one being to produce stronger and more flames as a dragon.

  3. Nicknamed ‘petshop’ due to eating literally every animal, that man has the ability to turn his body parts into the animals he’s eaten. He gets transported to a fantasy world and begins his feasting on the creatures such as trolls, kobalts and dragons. Basically he wants to be the top of the food chain in this new world.

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