
The MC in every single Regressor Manhwa :

The MC in every single Regressor Manhwa :

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  1. Every Cultivator manhua 90% of the time

    – Gets betrayed in murim world while being the strongest

    -Goes back to the past where he is a loser and poor

    – Gets dumped by gold digging girl friend

    – Regains 2% of his powers in the first chap which makes him as strong as a grand master

    – Helps random old man who ends up having the most influence in the city

    -Joins military as a commander

  2. Yeah, I was reading a manhwa description that started somewhat like this: “In the year XXXX strange portals appeared and places called dungeons started appearing and with them monster started to destroy all, but a hero raised and became the hope of the world” and at point I was like, damn this sounds good, but then the description continued: “but I was his companion and he betrayed me and killed me but I went back to before the portals started appearing” and that pretty much killed my interest in that manhwa lol

  3. Man there was a couple romance ones that I read who were abused by their husband’s and still went back to them to get mistreated again. Then all of a sudden the husband magically likes the mc

  4. Is there any manwha where the protagonist gets sent into the future, but due to the fact that the world kept going and he was weak, everyone is strong, beside the protagonist

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