
I’m too scared to continue reading after seeing THAT

I’m too scared to continue reading after seeing THAT

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  1. Edit: Since many people are asking, this is **Lady Devil** or **The Devil**. You can find it on **Manta**.


    Lol. But, all things aside, it’s actually kinda good. Even though there are multiple trigger warnings in this story, the storytelling is just so “poetic” that I don’t wanna drop it. Anette, the fl, is a fleshed out character that basically embodies the phrase

    >”*I have never loved and resented anyone as much as I have loved and resented you*”

    Her personality is understandable considering what she went through for most of her life. Though, the first few chapters may deter you because she doesn’t have any power, but it won’t be like that for the entirety of the story. Also, worry not because the *scenes* won’t be shown too explicitly, that even *I* who don’t really read this sort of stuff, stuck with the story.

    Anyway, just give it a few chapters before dropping it and witness the struggles of the fl and her intense desire for justice and power.

    Yeah, I’m basically only reading this for the fl.

    >!Also, even though they’re not really twins, it’s still kinda iffy since they treated each other as such for most of their lives. I’m just hoping and waiting for Anette to escape.!<

  2. It’s actually really good and is one of my favorite manhwas.

    People just don’t read it because it’s ‘incest’, but the manhwa never tries to romanticize it like other manhwas and tbh it’s more of a thriller than a romance manhwa. Also, there’s a lot of plot twists

  3. Ohh, learned some new things on this post, the meme was an expected reaction for the devil, but the title is a little dramatic, both the devil and 177013 are common sense disgusting, but totally bearable, but oh boy, 228922 is what I was expecting after reading this post title.

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