
[ART] “UQ Holder!” Volume 27 Cover.

[ART] “UQ Holder!” Volume 27 Cover.

[ART] "UQ Holder!" Volume 27 Cover.

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  1. Either the author is really bad at story telling or he has a fetish of toturing underage pure boy, because the story is just basically the MC being fucked over mentally and physically in Evangelion level. Just pure pain. Kinda like the author of Hatsukoi Zombie when he decided to draw Boy’s Abyss. At least there’s the female character for the reader to fantasize.

  2. To be fair, there are some arcs in this manga that I love, like Santa ghost story and Tota and Yukihime flashback story. However, as a grand plot narrative, this manga just doesn’t hold up.

  3. At this point, I’m just hoping for a nice ending like Negima … even if the the path to get is in shambles