
“The hearts of men are easily corrupted.”

“The hearts of men are easily corrupted.”

36 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. Nothing would’ve changed in canon. Well, except that Sauron would’ve not grown back a dick ever again. Just like how he couldn’t grew back his ringfinger

  2. This is actually the plot of a short story in the book woad to wuin in the series Sir Apropos of nothing. Only a short story at the start which was pretty funny. Great series regardless though

    Whoever is who has the ring on him gets unending attention from any women in the vicinity and his manhood will always be able to perform

  3. I’m at work and I can’t stop laughing/snickering but I also can’t stop scrolling through these glorious comments.

    (My first reaction was “*well, wouldn’t have changed anything because he’s gonna get castrated either way*” but then I remembered that Sauron/Mairon was stupid sexy. Shoutout to r/angbang.)

  4. Just tell him you want him to s h a r e t h e l o a d and suck it right off. Then you just form a line and snowball that thing all the way to Sammath Naur.

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