
I now kinda want a sitcom about the 9 Ringwraiths trying to live together in the same apartment building

I now kinda want a sitcom about the 9 Ringwraiths trying to live together in the same apartment building

22 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. Thought that said ‘Hats’ at first. I think the idea of them trying to run a hat shop together is just as hilarious.

    “Do you have something.. a bit more slimming?”

    *piercing screech*

  2. Now here’s a story of a guy named Angy who was a witch king of his own land, but his lord died and now he has 8 brothers, and they live all alone. The nazgul bunch

  3. I can see the script now:

    Nazgul 1, enter stage left: *screech! Scree-screech!!*

    *audience laughs*

    Nazgul 2, couch: *Screech? Screech?!* ***screech scree-SCREEECH!***

    *audience applauds and “whoops”*

    -Commercial break-

  4. The Witch King beating the tar out of one of the Ringwraiths for spending the month’s rent money on something called an “NFT” to a jovial 80s laugh track. The Ringwraiths are forced to go into debt to a shady man of wealth called “Sauron”— who has no intention of ever letting them repay their debt! How will the gang get out of this one?!

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