
Lol, poor Pip.

Lol, poor Pip.

22 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. I would say that Gandalf, even if annoyed by his antics, had a really soft spot for Pippin.

    After all, he was a prime example of everything that he liked about Hobbits.

    Getting so far away from home, facing mortal peril, just because his love for Frodo and his new friends.

    Fuck, i would say that Gandalf would be more happy if people would be more like Pippin time to time.

  2. Looks like a repost. I’ve seen this image 1 time.

    First Seen [Here]( on 2021-10-30 100.0% match.

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  3. I remember reading a post here not too long ago about Gandalf talking about Pippin looking into the palantir. I can’t remember the details, but the gist of it was that Pippin was interrogated by Sauron but didn’t give away anything important, and Gandalf trusted him and forgave him right away.

    There’s probably very few beings in middle earth with the will to withstand Sauron interrogating them without giving up any relevant information, but Pippin is just a good guy who would never betray his friends. Not to mention he just casually convinced the ents, who take hundreds of years to just have a conversation, to go to war and take down Saruman right away. Pippin is the most under-rated character in LOTR.

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