
wise and blonde

wise and blonde

17 Comments Leave a Reply
  1. Elves in Witcher:

    Aen Seidhe: Fight for freedom! We deserve to live!

    Aen Aelle: Hmm if I mixed this gene with that one I’ll get my perfect navigator, so that I can go raid, pillage and plunder other worlds.

  2. I think my favourite elves are from the dragon age series. Something about the fact that even within the universe’s there is basically a split with proud delish elves and then the suppressed elves in the city was really cool.

  3. Doing a deep dive into the Tolkien legendarium always yields an interesting and rewarding experience, as you’re looking into something a very well-read person poured years of his spare time into. Doing a deep dive into Harry Potter always ends up feeling like you’re having a conversation on whether or not there was a car Hitler in the Cars universe. It was absolutely not meant to be examined that closely and it’s unpleasant to even try.

  4. Magic in LOTR: The primordial force, shaped by will and effort into miracles and tragedies.

    Magic in harry pooper: “So you say these words to make things fly. Or you can say those words to kill a guy. You’re a technician, Harry!”

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