
If riot could stop making the game worse that’d be great. (other than chemtech, they were right to remove that)

If riot could stop making the game worse that’d be great. (other than chemtech, they were right to remove that)

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  1. Riot developers mentioned it last week. It seems that duos make the game harder for solos (which seems like a valid argument for plat+)

    I personally think there are both pro and cons in low elo.

    A pro would be that you would see less people being boosted by playing with a high elo friend on a smurf account (i.e. you should reach certain rankings with your own skill).

    A con will be that you can’t share the pain of grinding ranked with a friend (i.e. ranked is not a place to have fun; well, if you put it like this, it is actually a pro, since trolls come in pairs usually. Like, in low iron you will have duos that run it down mid all game – literally run under enemy mid turret whenever they spawn. Having these trolls coming one at a time in lobbies will make ranked a bit more welcoming to new players).

    Honestly, as a solo exclusive, having duos in my team feels very coinflippy. More often than not, in low elo (iron to gold), even good players have very bad games because they are too busy chitchatting with their duo on discord instead of focusing on the game. And usually they flame a lot in chat, since they feel empowered by having eachother’s back.

  2. Duo que removal aint the bad tho, removes a lot of the problems of soloq, of course Im sad I wont be able to grind it with my friend but maybe now Flex will actually become relevant

  3. did you at least read why they do this? now you gonna have more healthy game with deserving player

    ie: you wont need a duo to carry because people won’t be as boosted as they are right now

  4. Pretty sure league is the only game where there isnt strict solo que ranked. Duo creates nothing but problems. Having a duo who have played hundreds of games with each other go up against players who are first timing with each other is not a fair match. The only good part about duo que, is that if you duo and play hard core your going to win a lot of games. Having a fixed player that is guaranteed to not game ruin is nice as well but thats kind of a separate thing on its own. Smurfing and boosting is rampant with duo but thats also a separate issue. Strict solo ranked and voice chat is what league needs, duo grinding is not a fair concept. I played a bunch of unranked Leblanc jungle duo, in no way would that be fair to solo q ranked players to have kha leblanc eating the ass off jungle on his 3rd camp to the rest of the game and doing roam plays

  5. Reminder to everyone here: you can still duo in other queues, like flex queue. It’s not a complete cut off and you’ll never be able to queue with a friend again like many of these comments are believing

  6. Duo abuse always existed and fr, I’m going to play ranked now because of that, now I’m really playing solo Queue, no more shitty supports that only peel for their duo when they are literally 0/6

  7. I’m just very worried abt bot lane, because I prefer to be more aggressive and usually other players have a more passive play style (which isn’t bad, just a pain when going all-in). It’s a lot easier to communicate plays while duo, and I’m feeling I’m gonna have to avoid bot in ranked now. I’d rather have a supp or adc I know would go in with me than hoping they’ll go in and I’m not just throwing myself at them alone. I’m not really good enough to tell if my supp or adc understands what plays I’m trying to make.

  8. Welp I guess I’ll have to quit soloq and move to flex for serious climbing, I hated playing soloq without a duo, it makes me anxious and it means 1 more potential toxic player to deal with

  9. Some of the reasons for duo queue being removed are actually legitimate enough to warrant its removal. Them saying it will have less boosting etc is just bollocks but other than those “reasons” this might be a change for the better. Having solo/duo being just solo is okay and is just stupid to cry about. Still, I can see both sides of the argument since moving duos to something like flex might actually be way worse. It might be best to have solo, then solo/duo (cause how the fuck would you have only duos in a team with odd number of people?) and flex. During peak hours in flex (after this change of having solo and flex only) it might be okay to queue in your region, not sure after but I would assume you would have the same problem solo/duo has. Anyhow I literally do not play ranked that much but I can speak from experience after Rocket League changed up their ranked playlists (they used to have a dedicated solo playlist) and if I queue into 3s there I might go up against a full premade team which may or may not be better than my fully randomly assorted team so its a coinflip, but in a game like LoL I feel like going up against a duo when you are solo is just straight bad. But that is my opinion of it, and I literally don’t play ranked in LoL since im just Bronze whatever, I don’t care about this change too much so yeah, take it with a grain of salt as I probably don’t know what the fuck I am talking about anyways.

  10. DuoQ is not good for the game and I say that as an ADC main. It’s not like you can’t play with your friends anymore, you can go flex, that will also help making it an actual game mode and not a place where everyone trolls.

  11. The only people crying about duo queue are the ones that take this game way to seriously and don’t have any friends to play, 99/100 times duo players are just there to fuck about and have fun, this game is pure cancer, please don’t remove the only function in this game which makes it fun

  12. Me and my homies have to look for 5 people to play otherwise it is not worth it. I miss TT for this reason. And Dominion could be a fun game mode because we would be playing it “ironically” after a bad ranked game or something. I don’t want to play ARAM’s everytime that happens. It would be good to have another “fun” mode other than 5 v 5 SR.

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