
Tell me, what are other champs can make the enemy suffer? (Other than Enchanters)

Tell me, what are other champs can make the enemy suffer? (Other than Enchanters)

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  1. I see that pantheon is underestimated here. He has good poke and very good quick combo to eat enemy’s health in early game. But he is uselesss if he won’t dominate his opponent.

  2. Zilean especially if your team or opponent have darius, garen etc. %99 speeding or slowing them is so satisfying for me ????. For jungle if i play rammus and see enemy yasuo i always camp them.

  3. You should look up the champion category of “anti-carry”, whose goal is to win the game by preventing the enemy from executing their own game plan. That being said,

    R A M M U S

  4. Fucking Rakan mid is actually a cancer I didn’t need to know existed. Of course he fell off but by god early game is a pain if you aren’t aware of how aggressive his plays can be.

  5. Viego. People hate him but my boy is fun to play. Once I was really behind but got a quadra from possession resets and the enemies surrendered. Got lots of ‘nice champ’ comments but it was worth it 😀

  6. Malzahar in mid lane. Most people don’t ban him due to his low play rate but I have grown to love his amazing ult and brutal burn damage. His lvl 6 has the best gank setup with e + w into ult for big damage and cc. Also if you run teleport and ping bot to ward a bush you can easily use your lvl 6 to punish their bot for overextending and easily lock down even a 6/0 adc to bring your bot back into the game. csing is also amazing at around 10 mins onwards, allowing for e + w then walking away to collect and entire wave. Very easy to go 2 levels above laner in late game due to his very easy farm to take multiple lanes and jungle very easily, only cementing his bullying harder. I am also a support main and I promise you, malzahar is the supporting midlaner. No need to focus on cs, easy cc to setup your team for picks and save backline from dives by clicking on assassins. The only counterplay is if anyone who wants to ignore you gives up an item slot and spends 1300 gold, which gives your team a good advantage even if they do build quicksilver.

  7. You seem to like champs that pick people out. So Rell, maybe morg or zilean, they ain’t technically enchanters so ye. Morg is literally just a simple to play thresh. Got a high cc q, has an annoying to deal with ability, morg e just save everyone unless you got magic damage on ur team, and thresh has w with saves everyone unless you have hard cc and ward skills

  8. A good thresh with even a half decent ADC is insanely oppressive, which has stepped even further up with Evenshroud, it’s basically just a free 12% damage increase for his whole team

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